
Negara Singapura

Letak astronomis:
antara 1o 11’LU - 1 o 28’ LU dan 103o38’BT-104o 5’BT

Berbatasan dengan:
  • Malaysia di barat dan utara dan 
  • Indonesia di selatan dan timur, khususnya Pulau Bintang dan Pulau Batam
Pulau-pulau kecil:
  • -di Selat Johor (utara) 
  • P Ubin 
  • P Tekong 
  • -di Selat Singapura 
  • P Bukum 
  • P Sentosa 
  • P Ayer Chawan
Singapore was founded as a British trading colony in 1819 after that, rent by Raffles form Sultan Malaka become straits settlement.In 1867 become the colony of England. Become very important port since Suez Canal opened in 1869 and many country in Shouth East Asia was developed to. It joined the Malaysian Federation in 1963, but separated two years later and became independent. It subsequently became one of the world's most prosperous countries with strong international trading links (its port is one of the world's busiest in terms of tonnage handled)With per capita GDP equal to that of the leading nations of Western Europe. Income percapita is more than $19.000, compare to Australia with $ 17.500.

Become “services” base country:
  • Bank and financial services 
  • Wealth services center 
  • Education center 
  • Transitport, entreport (ex-im port) of sea port (harbour) and air port (bandara)

Natural Resource
Very lack resource:
  • Fresh water importer country from Johor Baru (Malaysia) 
  • Main product is rubber (60%), coconut (in coastal area become domestic needed, vegetables and some flowers cultiveted by less farmer in bank of the Kallang, Kranji, and Singapore rivers that can get water easily. Human Resources 
  • Very high quality, almost Chinese ethnic that very discipline, strong ethos, high skill, and very stability in governmental and political. 
  • Advance in trade and diplomacy how to sell and make advance value, using value. 
  • They imported row material: oil from central east is precess become fuel and eksport to Japan 
  • Row forest and plantation product import from Indonesia, Malaysia processted by manufacturing and sell with advented using value.

Reasons for doing business in Singapore
  • Strategic Location 
  • Access to unlimited markets 
  • Pro – business environment 
  • Nucleus for talents 
  • Educated workforce 
  • Opportunities to innovate

Dengan menyadari keterbatasannya maka kebijakan yang ditempuh:
  1. Fokus pada pertumbuhan teknologi informasi, otomasi, bioteknologi, dan pelayanan medis 
  2. Kerjasama pengembangan, dengan wilayah Johor Baru, dan Riau (SIJORI) 
  3. Membuka pintu bagi pelarian modal dari Hongkong, termasuk menampung uang panas lewat perbankan 
  4. Pengembangan pariwisata di pulau sentosa 
  5. Reklamasi lahan pantai untuk memperluas wilayah industri (Jurong) dan mengembamgkan pulau-pulau 
  6. Perjanjian kesepakatan pertahanan lima negara (ind, aus, ingg, dan selan.baru) Sumber: Haryono, 2005:180
Bintang alam singapura
  1. Bukit tengah bukit timah, mandal, gombak
  2. Wilayah barat yang bergelombang (beberapa bukit, lembah, sungai) daratan di sebelah timur

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